Commonplace Holiness Holiness woven into the fabric of life...

Notes on Amos 7:7-17

Amos-vs-AmaziahThis is an interesting face-off. Here we have the representative of official state-sanctioned religion confronting a rough, working class prophet. Read More...

Chad Brooks: Why I Became a Methodist

chaddbrooksGuest blog by Chad Brooks: “As I often tell people, I feel like I was born Methodist. What I found was a family of faith who put better words to what I had felt and thought for years. I was a closet Methodist. I am part of this tradition now. I am a Methodist.” Read More...

From Around the Internet

internet-wrldSome links from around the Internet: unlimited atonement, a charge to Seminary students, a possible renewal of interest in doctrine, unanswered prayer, and the morality of masturbation. Read More...

Notes on Amos 7:1-6

Amos0615Here we see the prophet at prayer. Most often, in the book of Amos, we hear the prophet's voice denouncing the nations and predicting their coming doom. Here we see him at prayer for the nation — pleading for them to be spared. Read More...